Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Saturday, June 22, 2024
In mathematics, thirteen is the number one, in culture it is
a symbol of bad luck, and we went on a trip to Solina and Uherce Mineralne on
13 June 2024. And although it was not without some 'adventures', we fulfilled
all the planned objectives.
Pupils of grade 5 and grade 6 took part in the trip. The
programme of the trip included a ride on the gondola railway over Lake Solina,
games in the Mysterious Solina Amusement Park "In the land of Bies and
Chads" and a ride on a railway handcar in Uherce Mineralne.
Contrary to predictions and fears, the weather turned out to
be kind to us, so we returned from the trip full of impressions and memories.
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Regional Information Conference Erasmus+
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Final Gala of the 21st Regional Environmental Competition
As early as the 6th century BC, the Greek philosopher Tales of Miletus claimed that the essence of everything is water, because everything comes from water and everything ends up in it. The human body is approximately 70% composed of water and is therefore the essence of the existence of life. Protecting this precious resource of the Earth was the inspiration for the 21st Izabela Dąmbska Voivodship Ecological Competition, which in this edition was held under the slogan: ‘Water is the source of life’. It was organised by the Stanisław Dąmbski Primary School in Rudna Wielka, and the competition was held under the honorary patronage of the Head of the Świlcza Commune and the Subcarpathian Education Supervisor.
The official summary of the competition took place on 25
April 2024. The winners of the competition and their tutors, teachers, students
and invited guests met at our school.
The gala was opened by the principal of Rudna Wielka Primary
School - Mrs. Małgorzata Mazepa, who welcomed the guests, thanked the contest
participants and their tutors for their efforts in preparing the works and
congratulated them on their work. Invited guests also spoke, emphasising the
importance and significance of the theme of the 21st edition of the
competition, and students from our school added colour to the meeting with
their artistic performances.
The competition, which is of provincial rank, was organised
with the aim of protecting the natural environment of people, animals and
plants. We wish to shape attitudes and actions aimed at conscious care for our
planet, conscious use of natural resources by drawing attention to the
condition of the hydrosphere and pointing out the need to protect it. We have
inspired students to learn about the fauna and flora of rivers, lakes, seas and
oceans in order to educate them in the spirit of respect for nature. We
constantly emphasise the continuation of the legacy left to future generations
by the patron of our competition, Izabela Dąmbska. She was in fact a pioneer of
nature conservation activities in the field of hydrology. The high artistic and
content-related level of the works produced by the participants in this year's
edition testifies to the fact that we succeeded in encouraging pupils to engage
in literary and artistic creative activity, which required extraordinary
sensitivity and the use of various sources of information.
VISIT OF AN EXPERT AS PART OF THE ERASMUS+ PROGRAM From March 3-7, our school had the honor of hosting Paolo Ramalhoto as part of the Er...

GLOBAL EDUCATION WEEK Global Education Week is a worldwide campaign that aims to raise awareness of global education as a tool for build...
The project is a response to the current needs of children, the educational requirements contained in the core curriculum for general educa...
We had an honour to guest Frank Oida, who came to our school as an invited expert. His stay was four days long and during this time he con...